The HPC Lab can provide prospective students with a thesis related to sequential, parallel and distributed data mining, machine learning and deep learning. Interested students may also ask for a thesis regarding security and cryptography. The thesis may also be strictly related to parallel and distributed computing, including cloud, P2P and IoT.

Possible topics include:

• Machine learning for space weather modelling

• Quantum computing

• Machine learning for data assimilation

The following is a list of recently developed thesis:

• A Deep Learning Architecture for Automated Segmentation of Ultrasound Frames

• A novel parallel DBSCAN like clustering algorithm

• Fast and accurate distributed computation of quantiles

• Improved sketch--based frequency estimation in data streams

• Computing quantiles in data streams: a sequential and distributed approach based on improving DDSketch

• Distributed adaptive algorithm for outlier detection

• Distributed Contraction Clustering

• Mining ATM transactions in a streaming context: anomaly detection and analysis

• A data-efficient verification procedure for arbitrary secret sharing with cheater detection schemes